Sydney Sibilia
(sortie le 02/03/23)

In the Naples of the 1980s, a humble Naples trying to discover itself, where everyone leaves the house wearing a ‘mask’, to quote play-writer Eduardo De Filippo, our hero, Enrico, tries to wear the metaphorical mask of the successful DJ, but in vain. Enrico must find, or rather invent, his own way. A path that will not need masks but only the help of his two brothers. Enrico will be a DJ, DJ Erry, but in his own way, making compilation on cassettes. A passionate story in a bygone era. A naive era when piracy in Italy was not yet a crime. But every new law has a cause, and the cause of this one is DJ Erry and his brothers.

Director Sydney Sibilia, following the footsteps of Smetto Quando Voglio, tells us the real story of outliers, people who cannot find their place in society but who, with a bit of inventiveness, invent it. In this case, perhaps in a too naive way, Erry and his brothers do not fully understand the illegality of their action, remaining faithful to their ideas, and for this also our heroes, to the very end.

Mixed by Erry is a tribute film. A tribute to the Naples of the first Scudetto and to Massimo Troisi’s Naples, touchable in every aspect of Enrico’s character. A stereotyped Naples to which, however, it is difficult not to become passionate and emotional. Of course, as a Neapolitan, my opinion is biased, but I am sure that you too will become passionate about the story of these three brothers.

  • Mario Di Luca
Catégories : Critique de film